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In the News: MiiR, YETI, Stanley and Klean Kanteen Team Up for Drinkware CoLab Environmental Action
admin : Nov 22, 2022 11:15:31 AM

Four major drinkware brands – YETI, MiiR, Stanley and Klean Kanteen – announced a new initiative for environmental action called the Drinkware CoLab.
Under the CoLab branding, the four companies will support the Outdoor Industry Association's goal to turn the outdoor industry into "the world's first climate-positive industry by 2030," according to a press release.
The goal is for businesses to move to 100% renewable electricity and develop emissions-reduction targets for manufacturing facilities.
“It has been such a pleasure getting to work with other drinkware brands in a truly collaborative way,” Devon Richardson, giving and sustainability manager at MiiR, said in a press release. “The threats of climate change are real, impending and affecting our most vulnerable populations. The only way we can make meaningful change is together, and we are so grateful to be a part of this cohort.”
The OIA hired a sustainability consulting agency to identify areas of improvement and achieve these emissions goals over time. This agency also will visit each of the facilities included in the collaboration to develop "decarbonization roadmaps," and outline changes each supplier can make to reduce their own carbon footprint.
“This project is enabling our drinkware brands to work together to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in their supply chains with increased efficiency,” says Sarah Rykal, senior manager of the OIA Climate Action Corps. “Many supply chain problems are too grand for any individual company to address single-handedly. We see these types of collaborations as a key puzzle piece in reaching the Corps’ climate goals, as well as each brand’s individual goals, and we ultimately plan to use this project as a model for future CoLabs to follow.”
"We love the outdoors and want to keep the wild wild for generations to come,” said Hannah Mara, vice president of product management at YETI. “We hope to see this type of collaboration expand across the industry so we can continue making an impact.”
These are four influential brands in the outdoor and drinkware space. So, if they show a commitment to environmentalism and eco-friendly policies, it's a good indicator that buyer habits will follow suit.
Credits to Promo Marketing Magazine